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Empress Irene from Agia Sophia in Constantinople (Istanbul) |
Maria Comnena was
probably born in 1154 or 1155, the daughter of John Comnenos, Protovestiarius,
the grandson of the Byzantine Emperor John II, and nephew of the ruling
Emperor, Manuel I. As such she was a
member of the Byzantine Imperial family, but not in direct line to the throne.
At the time of her birth, Manuel I had already been Emperor of the Eastern
Empire for over a dozen years.
Manuel I consistently pursued a policy of cooperation
with the crusader states, which included joint military operations, and a
series of marriage alliances. In 1158, one of Manuel’s nieces, Theodora, was
married to King Baldwin III of Jerusalem, and in 1161, Manuel himself took
Maria of Antioch, sister of Bohemond III, Prince of Antioch, to wife. Finally,
when Amalric I of Jerusalem decided to seek a second wife (the High Court had
required him to set aside his first wife in order to be crowned king), he
turned to the Byzantine Emperor. An Embassy was sent to Constantinople in 1165
to find a suitable candidate and negotiate the marriage contract.
King Amalric’s
emissaries spent the next two years in the Byzantine capital negotiating the
marriage. From the surviving sources, it is impossible to know why the
negotiations took so long, but Amalric’s emissaries and the Byzantine Emperor clearly
had plenty of time to consider various candidates. Maria was either the most
suitable or the most pleasing from the point of view of Amalric’s
Whatever their
reasoning, we can be certain that Maria Comnena had up to this point enjoyed
the famously luxurious life-style of the Emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire,
and — more important — the very high level of education typical of the women of
her family. The Comnenas were not only literate in Greek classics, but versed
in theology and history, as the writings of Anna Comnena, Maria’s
great-great-aunt, attest. Furthermore, the Comnenen Emperors had sponsored a significant
building program that in turn sparked a revival of Byzantine arts and letters including
the introduction of new styles in mosaics and frescoes. Maria would, therefore,
have come to Jerusalem with not only a substantial dowry, (her aunt Theodora
had a dowry of over 100,000 gold pieces), and a large retinue of Byzantine
advisors and scholars, but also with knowledge and tastes cultivated in the
most sophisticated Christian court of the age.
When Maria
married Amalric and was crowned queen at the end of August 1167 she was
probably no more than 12 or 13 years old; Amalric was already over 30. While
Maria’s young age precluded a major role for her in politics, it is
nevertheless probable that the magnificent renovation of the Church of the
Nativity, a work that included beautiful mosaics with heavy Byzantine
influence, was initiated after her arrival in the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
And just as notable, her eldest son — who was not royal — built a house in Beirut in which, according to a visitor in 1212, the mosaics depicting a sandy shore were so realistic he “feared to tread on [it] lest he should leave a footmark.” (Wilbrand of Oldenburg, in Steven Runciman, “The Families of Outremer: The Feudal Nobility in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291,” (London, 1960), p. 1) In addition to the mosaics, her son’s home had walls paneled with polychrome marble, vaulted ceilings painted to resemble the night sky, and glazed windows opening onto the sea or “delicious” gardens. In short, Maria retained throughout her life and passed on to her children a love of beauty and an appreciation of artistic excellence and design.
And just as notable, her eldest son — who was not royal — built a house in Beirut in which, according to a visitor in 1212, the mosaics depicting a sandy shore were so realistic he “feared to tread on [it] lest he should leave a footmark.” (Wilbrand of Oldenburg, in Steven Runciman, “The Families of Outremer: The Feudal Nobility in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1291,” (London, 1960), p. 1) In addition to the mosaics, her son’s home had walls paneled with polychrome marble, vaulted ceilings painted to resemble the night sky, and glazed windows opening onto the sea or “delicious” gardens. In short, Maria retained throughout her life and passed on to her children a love of beauty and an appreciation of artistic excellence and design.
It is also
notable that four years after his marriage to Maria, Amalric undertook a state
visit to Constantinople, the first Latin king to do so as a reigning monarch.
Furthermore, Byzantine sources suggest that he acknowledged Manuel I as his
overlord during this trip. While this was a political not a personal trip, it
is hard to imagine that Maria was not a voice in his ear encouraging this
unprecedented step — and just as hard to imagine that he would have listened if
he had been displeased with his Byzantine bride. We furthermore have the
evidence (such as it is) of William, Archbishop of Tyre, who was an close
friend of King Amalric, who writes that after his marriage to Maria, King
Amalrich “cherished his wife ever after with affection worthy of praise and is
believed to have been faithful to her even to the end. Having thus laid aside
light conduct, as if changed from that former man, he began to undertake
important works and to occupy himself entirely with serious matters.” High
praise indeed for the influence of a bride who was still more child than woman!
Notably, at the
time this trip took place, Amalric’s positive attitude toward his Byzantine
bride could not be traced to her fertility because she had yet to give him any
children; it is far more likely that he respected her for her education and
intelligence, although beauty as a factor cannot be excluded, despite the fact
that there is no explicit reference to her attractiveness in existing texts.
It was not until the next year, 1172, that she gave birth to a live child, a daughter who was Christened Isabella. Maria was by then 17 or 18 years old.
It was not until the next year, 1172, that she gave birth to a live child, a daughter who was Christened Isabella. Maria was by then 17 or 18 years old.
Two years later,
her husband was dead. As his widow, she would have taken part in the meeting of
the High Court of Jerusalem that elected the next king. The choice, apparently by mutual consent and
without serious dissention, fell on Amalric’s only male heir, his son by his
previous marriage to Agnes de Courtenay. Because Baldwin IV was a minor at the time of
his father’s death, the kingdom was placed in the hands of a regent, Raymond of
At this point Maria
retired from court, but there is no indication she did so in disgrace. On the
contrary, her retirement appears to have been entirely voluntary. King Amalric
had settled on her the large and wealthy barony of Nablus as her dower-portion.
This lordship, directly north of the royal domain of Jerusalem and lying at an
important cross-roads, had once been independent, but had reverted to the crown
in 1161. It owed 85 knights to the feudal levee, and included the ancient city
of Nablus famous for its perfumes and soaps. At this time, it was still
inhabited by a sizable population of Samaritans, Jews and Muslims. Notably,
Maria was granted Nablus for life, but was not enfeoffed, i.e. the lordship
reverted to the crown at her death.
In short, at
roughly the age of 20, Maria Comnena found herself a very wealthy widow with
complete independence. She had enough
wealth and enough men (85 knights is only the tip of the iceberg of the men at
her command) to protect herself, her property and her independence. She was a
Dowager Queen, mother of the second-in-line to the throne, and she could not be
forced into a second marriage by either her step-son or her great-uncle,
although she needed the former’s permission to re-marry. Maria, however, was in
no hurry to remarry. She retired to Nablus, and made no attempt to interfere in
the government of the realm.
Nevertheless, in
mid-1177 the Count of Flanders, who had come to the Holy Land with a small army
of crusaders, sought her out in Nablus. Flanders was at loggerheads with Baldwin
IV and the High Court of Jerusalem about who should select Princess Sibylla’s
next husband (her first husband had just died unexpectedly) and about a proposed campaign against
Egypt that was supported by Manuel I, who had sent a fleet of seventy warships.
Philip wanted assurances that he would be made king of Egypt if he helped
conquer it, and Baldwin IV felt that any territory won by the expedition should
belong to Jerusalem since he brought the greater resources to the campaign. That
Philip sought out Maria in Nablus suggests that he saw her as a woman who could
advise him on the likely reaction of the Byzantine Emperor to his actions and
demands. Even more noteworthy, however, is that as a result of his meetings
with Maria he had a change of heart and sent messengers from Nablus to
Jerusalem declaring his acceptance of the High Court’s decisions with respect
to the campaign in Egypt. Maria Comnena
at 23 was evidently a woman who could talk politics with the most savvy of
Western noblemen and be persuasive without the least personal interest in the
It was also in
late 1177 that Maria made a surprise second marriage to Balian d’Ibelin, the
younger brother of the Baron of Ramla and Mirabel. Her life as Lady of Ibelin
is the subject of a separate entry.
Maria plays a major role in my three part biography of Balian d'Ibelin:
Read more about Maria's rivals and daughter at: Balian d'Ibelin and the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
An interesting woman.